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João Carqueijeiro Engobes and Slips Workshop took place at 22nd and 23rd of December in his atelier.
Don't miss our next workshop, reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Engobes & Slips Workshop / December 2020 [Open Registrations]
The Raku Workshop will take place from the 22nd until the 23rd of December.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
XXV Certamen San Agustín @ CMAE Avilés
João Carqueijeiro solo exhibition at the XXV Certamen de Cerámica San Agustín, Avilés, Spain.
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Raku Workshop / August 2019 [Open Registrations]
The Raku Workshop will take place from the 13th until the 17th of August.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Da Floresta @ SIAC4
João Carqueijeiro solo exhibition at the Guarda Museum, Portugal.
Read the digital catalog
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Pottery Workshop / August 2018 [Open Registrations]
The Pottery Workshop will take place from the 13th until the 17th of August.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
À Superfície @ Casa Branca de Gramido
João Carqueijeiro solo exhibition "À Superfície" at Casa Branca de Gramido, Gondomar, Portugal.
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7 Formas Poético-Casuísticas @ Zet Gallery
In-situ ceramic sculpture installation for the group exhibition "7 Formas Poético-Casuísticas" at Zet Gallery in Braga, Portugal.
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Floresta @ IPVC
João Carqueijeiro solo exhibition "Floresta" at IPVC Museum, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
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Sustainable Ceramics Workshop / April 2018 [Photos]
João Carqueijeiro Sustainable Ceramics Workshop took place in Vila Franca do Campo, Azores, Portugal.
Don't miss our next workshop, reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Sustainable Ceramics Workshop / April 2018 [Open Registrations]
The Raku Workshop will take place from the 30th of March until the 4th of April.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
2nd International Biennial of Art Gaia
João Carqueijeiro Sculpture at Gaia's 2nd International Biennial of Art.
Multiple color stoneware discs with pyro-expanded slate at the center. Installed by vertical suspension.
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Pottery Workshop / April 2016 [Open Registrations]
The Pottery Workshop will take place from the 19th until the 23th of April.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Pottery Workshop / November 2015 [Open Registrations]
The Pottery Workshop will take place from the 16th until the 20th of November.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Raku Workshop / October 2015 [Open Registrations]
The Raku Workshop will take place from the 10th until the 17th of October.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Raku Workshop / June 2015 [Open Registrations]
The Raku Workshop will take place from the 12th until the 19th of June.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Enclaves @ Barcelos Pottery Museum
João Carqueijeiro solo exhibition "Enclaves" at Barcelos Pottery Museum, Barcelos, Portugal.
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Raku Workshop / May 2014 [Open Registrations]
The Raku Workshop will take place from the 10th until the 17th of May.
Reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Multi Technique Ceramic Workshop / February 2014 [Photos]
João Carqueijeiro Multi Technique Workshop took place in his Studio, Porto, Portugal.
Don't miss our next workshop, reach us through email or phone call and don't forget to follow our social media.
Multi Technique Ceramic Workshop [Open Registrations]
The Multi Technique Ceramic Workshop will take place from the 15th until the 21st of February.
Pedras de Terra e Fogo @ Resende Municipal Museum
João Carqueijeiro solo exhibition "Pedras de Terra e Fogo" at Resende Municipal Museum, Resende, Portugal.
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Escultura e Cerâmica - Ardósia Fundida @ Casa-Museu Abel Salazar
João Carqueijeiro solo exhibition "Escultura e Cerâmica - Ardósia Fundida" at Casa-Museu Abel Salazar, Matosinhos, Portugal.
Video by TVU, Porto University Channel.
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Escultura Cerâmica Hoje - 5 Autores Portugueses @ Amadeo Souza-Cardoso Museum
João Carqueijeiro Sculptures at the group exhibition "Escultura Cerâmica Hoje - 5 Autores Portugueses" at Museu Amadeo Souza-Cardoso, Amarante, Portugal.
Pyro-expanded slate and mixed ceramic pastes scilptures and installations.
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